Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 3 of my SAT score wait.

I'm here and ready to do my actual post for the day. While I was gone, I looked at colleges in my state and all sorts of crazy stuff like that. My friend Pope and I did some searching and I'm not really sure. I've got a few colleges here in Louisiana that I'm going to apply too. They are sort of back ups for if I get denied from some of the colleges I really want to go to.

Speaking of which, I am about 95% done with my Smith application. All I really have to do is finish up my personal essay and get my SAT scores.

Then I'm going to start on my URI and NYU applications. Then it's off to finish my in state applications. I'm an the busy bee, don't you agree?

Not really much going on today; I listened to Fireflies about thirty million times while I was working on stuff. God, it keeps me calm. I'll probably have it on repeat when I fill out my NYU application. (FUCK I'M NERVOUS FOR THAT ONE.) 

Highlight of my day: Almost got hit by a bus. OMGROFLOL.

Monday, October 12, 2009

There isn't much Seniorities fighting going on today, seeing as it's my day off from school and I get to laze about. I know some people don't have the whole A day/B Day blocked scheduling, but I think it's a giant lifesaver. The idea of students having half days or days off must seem redundant, but it's saving my lazy ass right now. Since I only go to school every other day, I no longer have to pretend to be sick just to get a day off. The amount of days I am absent cuts down significantly because I can arrange all my appointments to be on days when I don't have classes. Going to class every other day, is the best remedy for that feeling of bleh I get after a long day of classes.

For today, I do have a few future based events on my schedule. (I wish I meant I was taking part in some giant Star Wars LARP.) Instead of lazing about, I'm going to finish a few college applications. This isn't so bad really. The part that freaks me about this, is the irrationality that comes with filling out applications. Whenever they ask something like: "How many hours of volunteer work do you have? Answering none will not affect our view of this application." I'm like, you know it will and so do I.* Why are you lying to me? It doesn't help that I have virtually NO hours of volunteer work or extra curriculars outside of drama club. (Which I only did for my sophomore year.) Aside from that, I love filling out applications. As time goes on, I should be doing some tours of various schools in my state. 

Then, after I am finished lying about myself to a group of people who hold my education in their hands, I'm going to apply for some scholarships.  Which is fun, because you know, free money is never not fun. While, I'm doing this, I'll probably get all the stuff I need for FASFA ready and fill that out when my mom gets here.

On a-non college note, I have a Senior meeting in a few days. I'm getting fitted for my cap and gown, picking invitations; you know all that cool stuff. I hate Senior meetings. They remind me that the inevitable is near. Sure, I'm going to be adult; I'm finally gonna have the freedom to do as I please (within the limits of the law.) In my opinion, the silver lining of the Senior cloud is pretty thin. I'm going to love being on my own I suppose, but I'm going to miss all the great things that come with childhood. That feeling that everything is as magical as it looks. I feel like in the midst of everyone pushing and tugging me into adulthood, I am losing that magic. It's like I'm being told Santa isn't real all over again. I realize now, I should have listened when everyone told me not to grow up to fast. I'd give anything to have just one more week as a kid with no worries. The winds of change are blowing.

So yeah, nothing really interesting going on today. It seems that the insanity has cooled down for a bit. I am sure once I get back to school tomorrow, I'll have all sorts of dirty things to say about the teachers.  For today though, my forecast looks chill.

*I started singing "Never gonna give you up" after I wrote that.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

So here I am at the start of my illness.  It's a dark illness Senioritis is. First, it takes over your mind and then it slowly takes over your body. Then, when it's done with it's final stages all you wanna do is buy a keg, skip your classes, and morph into rowdy frat boy status. I'm trying to prevent this though. I fought through my Senioritis yesterday and actually took the time to take my SAT. Funny part is, none of the schoosl in my state require SAT, this is all part of my getaway. 

(Trust me, this question was a doozy)

For the most part it was pretty easy and now I have the daunting task of waiting a whole twenty nine days before I can see my results. It's almost as if they wanted a whole generation of teenagers to fall into a paranoia ridden angst fulled depression. These next few weeks should be agonizing to say the least, but it's just another list of things to add to my "Worries of the Future" list. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger right?

Everyone keeps assuring me, I'll done fine, but it's falling on deaf ears. In my mind, I've gotten a composite score of 0 and every college in America has decided I'm not what they're looking for. These are rational fears right?

Song that's been keeping me less moody this week: Fireflies by Owl City